
Each story in the project is constructed of introductory part, conflict situation, denouement and a short epilogue with a link to the next episode. Every situation is a consequence of the fact that Ben’s family is uncommon, but wants to live like other normal dragons. The family code prohibits almost all the actions, concerning flying and fire-breathing... The life of the family members is filled with everyday challenges and funny mishaps. Sometimes it is very hard to be good and not to use your powers - for example against your classmates… Yet, the extraordinary dragons are optimistic and each of them looks for a solution for the situation

The series narrate the family's adventures through the eyes of 13-year-old Ben. He likes to observe and analyze the situation and give an alternative point of view. However, his younger brothers - the twins Harry and Barthy enjoy their special powers full heartedly. They act first, think later, and are always in the middle of a prank. Their mother Bella has fun with everything; their father does not notice anything before it is too late.

The stories are inspired by everyday situations and will inevitably provoke the audience's empathy towards the weird family, as it is easy to understand their problems and recognize oneself in one of the characters. The idea of the series is to help children cope with and accept their own differences, and to develop the idea how an oddity could turn into uniqueness.

Dragon Troubles Movie